Q: How much is the service fee per order?
A: Currently, as we offer premium services to all of our sellers, the commission fee is 11% of the total amount per order.
Q: The buyer paid via cash and asked for a refund, will the balance from the service fee of that order be deducted from my account?
A: Definitely! Once you initiate a refund process for an order paid via cash transaction or any in-store payment options, the system will adjust and deduct the amount of the service fee for that refunded order.
Q: What will happen if I fail to pay my balance within the said due date?
A: If you are unable to pay on or before the deadline, you can no longer use your selling features. Once your balance is settled you can start selling again.
Q: I'm having issues paying for my balance. Is there any way for me to pay my balance other than using a credit/debit card?
A: Unfortunately, the current version of our app can process the balance payment through your saved payment method only. If you are having issues with your card, kindly contact your card issuer to help you with your concern.
If your card issuer has relayed that nothing is wrong with your card, kindly contact us by submitting a ticket through our Help & Support page. One of our team members will get back to you as soon as they can.
Q: Is there a minimum amount for payout?
A: A minimum amount of ¥1000 is required to cash out.
Q: How many days is the processing time for payout?
A: 6-7 business days
Q: Why is there a delay on my first payout?
A: For your first ever payout, please expect a delay as there is a 7-day waiting period of validating your account from the time you requested the cash out.
Q: How much is the processing fee?
A: A ¥250 will apply if the cash-out amount is less than ¥10000. If the cash-out amount is greater than ¥10,000, there is no processing fee.
Q: Can we cash-out anytime?
A: Payout schedule is every 7 business days.
Q: Can I delete my saved payment/payout method?
A: Deleting payment and payout method is allowed, however kindly note of the following items before you do so:
- If you delete your payout method, you can't add a listing for your store.
- If you delete your payment method, you can't pay your account balance(if there's any)
- If you must delete your existing payment and payout method, make sure to add a new one after doing so to refrain from encountering problems in your account.
Q: Can I add more than 1 bank account for payout?
A: No. If you would like to use a different bank account for your successive payouts, you may instead update your bank details.