Account, Fees, and Earnings
1. Is there a registration fee?
No, registering a seller account is absolutely free.
2. What are the requirements to register as seller?
You only need 1 valid government ID to verify your identity and an active bank account to setup your payout method.
3. Is there a commission fee?
Yes, there is. All Marketplace sellers will be charged an 11% commission fee for each completed transaction.
4. How do I get paid?
After an order is completed, credit card transaction payments from buyers will be credited to your incoming earnings. You can payout your earnings manually, 3 days after every transaction.
5. Do I need to have a physical store to qualify as a seller?
No. Home-based sellers, farmers, and other sellers who do not own a store are welcome to sell in bananaq.
1. What listings are allowed?
You can list a wide variety of food products like specialty food items, fresh fruits and vegetables, dry goods, frozen foods and many more.
2. How many products can I add to my store?
There is no limit to the number of items you can sell.